docker image push
Table of Contents:
- Command Name
- Description
- Syntax
- Example
- Step 1 : Sign Up For Docker Hub
- Step 2 : Create your first repository
- Step 3 : Download and Install Docker Desktop
- Step 4 : Use docker login to login to docker hub from docker desktop
- Step 5 : Build an image
- Step 6 : Test an image locally
- Step 7 : Push an image to docker hub
Command Name:
docker image push
Push an image or a repository to a registry.
Below are the steps:
- Signed up for Docker Hub
- Created your first repository
- Built a Docker container image on your computer
- Pushed it to Docker Hub
easywhatis$ docker image push --help
Usage: docker image push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]
Push an image or a repository to a registry
--disable-content-trust Skip image signing (default true)
Step 1: Sign up for Docker Hub
Step 2: Create your first repository
Once you verify your email id it will show you create repository button
Step 3: Download and install Docker Desktop
Download and install Docker Desktop. If on Linux, download Docker Engine – Community.
Step 4: Use docker login to login to docker hub from docker desktop
Open the terminal and sign in to Docker Hub on your computer by running docker login.
Step 5: Build an image
To build an image we will require a Dockerfile which is nothing but the instructions to create our image.
FROM busybox
CMD echo “This is my first Docker Image.”
Run docker build -t <your_username>/my-first-repo . to build your Docker image.
docker build -t easywhatis/first-repo .
Step 6: Test an image locally
Test your docker image locally by running docker run <your_username>/first-repo.
Step 7: Push an image to docker hub
Run docker push /first-repo to push your Docker image to Docker Hub.
Check the image on