An IDE is a tool for software development. The acronym stands for Integrated Development Environment, and IDE’s provide a place to write and edit code, run tests, debug applications and generally develop software.

IDE’s typically include features such as:

-A console window that lets you easily execute commands

-Refactoring tools that can convert code from one style to another

-Debugging tools that allow you to step through your application in order to find problems

-Code completion tools that can help you finish typing in a lot of boilerplate code more quickly

Introduction: What is a Java IDE? Why do Developers use these Tools?

A Java IDE is a software tool that developers use for writing code.

Java IDE’s provide features like debugging, compiling, deploying applications and more. This can be done within the IDE or by using external tools to do so. These tools also provide easy access to documentation, testing frameworks and libraries which are essential for developers.

Java IDEs are used by many developers because they provide all of the necessary tools that development entails in one place. It is easier to use than other tools because it provides everything that you need without any additional effort on your part. Additionally, some IDEs are free while others are paid but many offer some sort of free trial period before purchasing the software.

1. Eclipse


Platforms : Windows, Linux, and macOS

Current Version: 2021-09R

Eclipse java ee ide for web developers.

Eclipse Java IDE is a free software project, which has been used for building applications, web content, and systems.

Eclipse IDE is a software tool used to create programs or to develop other projects. Eclipse IDE is designed to be extensible and it can be used with different programming languages. It was initially developed by IBM Corporation in 2001 but now it’s an open-source software project run by an independent organization, the Eclipse Foundation.

The Eclipse Java IDE lets you build your app using Java EE or Java SE language, so it’s suitable for developers who want to use this language for developing their apps. It has various tools that help developers find any errors in their code, before publishing it online. These tools are known as the debugging tools – they are very important when coding because they are helping developers to find out the bug or make the program more robust.

Eclipse IDE Features:

  1. Latest Java Version Support
  2. Improved Java Development Tooling like Refactoring, Cleanup etc.
  3. Improved Theme and Style
  4. Huge Community Support
  5. Proven Extensibility. There are so many plugins available to support the latest features.
  6. Free and Open Source

The Good:

– Easy installation

– Cross platform compatibility

– Flexible code editor

– Open source framework

The Bad:

Small learning Curve is there.

Eclipse IDEs Types:

Eclipse Desktop IDEs:

  1. Eclipse
  2. Theia

Eclipse Cloud IDEs:

  1. Orion
  2. EclipseChe
  3. Dirigible
  4. Theia

What is the latest version of eclipse IDE?

The latest version of Eclipse IDE is The Eclipse Installer 2021‑09 R.

How to get an eclipse ide?

You can get the Eclipse IDE from here.

How to install eclipse ide?

You can refer to this page to install eclipse IDE.

Eclipse Pricing: Free

2. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA

Platforms : Windows, Linux, and macOS

Current Version: 2021.2.3

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment that offers a variety of features including Java code editor, code completion, refactoring tools, and the ability to run the application inside the IDE.

IntelliJ IDEA is designed with your productivity in mind. It combines powerful editing features with intelligent coding assistance to make you more efficient during every phase of your project.

It is an open-source IDE.

IntelliJ IDEA Features:

  1. Easy start up
  2. Keyboard shortcuts for everything
  3. Standard and custom themes
  4. Accessibility
  5. Many Plugins are available 
  6. Inspections and context actions
  7. Intelligent code completion
  8. Language injections
  9. Lots of Useful Diagrams are available that can help you to analyze your code
  10. Live templates is a powerful feature that helps speed up your coding.
  11. Project-wide refactoring
  12. Instant navigation and search
  13. Run, test, and debug
  14. Built-in tools and integrations
  15. Git support
  16. GitHub support

The Good:

– Easy installation

– Cross platform compatibility

– Flexible code editor

– Open source framework

– Colorful GUI

The Bad:

Small learning Curve is there.

What is the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA?

The latest version of IntelliJ IDEA is 2021.3.

How to get an IntelliJ IDEA?

You can get the Eclipse IDE from here.

How to install IntelliJ IDEA?

You can refer to this page to install eclipse IDE.

IntelliJ IDEA Pricing: 90 Days Trial Free After that it’s paid.

You can get the IntelliJ IDEA here.

3. NetBeans


Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD

Current Version: 12.5

Apache Netbeans is one of the best Development Environment, Tooling Platform and Application Framework. It is free and it is a Java Based Integrated Development Environment for fast development. NetBeans enables developers to create Mobile Desktop and Web applications.

It is an open-source IDE.

NetBeans Features:

  1. It provides NetBeans Profiler
  2. It provides Good Project Management
  3. It is one of the best Statistics Analysis Tool
  4. Cross Platform Compatibility
  5. It is Code Editor
  6. It is Visual Editor
  7. It Provides Multiple Language Support

The Good:

– Easy installation

– Cross platform compatibility

– Flexible code editor

– Open source framework

– Colorful GUI

– Easy To use

– Value for Money

– Good Customer Support

The Bad:

Small learning Curve is there.

What is the latest version of NetBeans?

The latest version of NetBeans is 12.5.

How to get NetBeans?

You can get the NetBeans IDE from here.

How to install NetBeans?

You can refer to this page to install NetBeans IDE.

NetBeans Pricing:  It is Free.

4. BlueJ


Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and Ubuntu

Current Version: 5.0.2

BlueJ is one of the Best FreeJava IDE for Beginners as well as experienced developers. This IDE is supported by Oracle. 

BlueJ Features:

  1. Very Simple
  2. Provides Visual Code Scan
  3. Portable
  4. Interactive
  5. Innovative
  6. Matured IDE

The Good:

– Easy To Learn

– Supported BY Oracle

The Bad:

Small learning Curve is there.

What is the latest version of BlueJ?

The latest version of BlueJ is 5.0.2.

How to get BlueJ?

You can get the BlueJ IDE from here.

How to install BlueJ?

You can refer to this page to install BlueJ IDE.

BlueJ Pricing:  It is Free.

5. JDeveloper


Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and generic

Current Version: 12c

Oracle JDeveloper is Leading Java Integrated Development Environment to develop Java Based Applications.

You can use this IDE at every life cycle stage of the Development.

JDeveloper Features:

  1. Free
  2. Product of Oracle
  3. Added Features to Develop Oracle Product easily
  4. End To End IDE to develop the software

The Good:

– This is oracle product

– End to End IDE to develop the software

– Drag and Drop Functions

– Web as well as Mobile App Development IDE

The Bad:

Small learning Curve is there.

What is the latest version of JDeveloper?

The latest version of JDeveloper is 12c.

How to get a JDeveloper?

You can get the JDeveloper IDE from here.

How to install JDeveloper?

You can refer to this page to install JDeveloper IDE.

JDeveloper Pricing:  It is Free.



Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and generic

Current Version: 2.0.6_08

jGRASP ide is a software development IDE that caters to the needs of developers and programmers. It is a modern and intuitive IDE that features several improvements and new features over other IDEs.

A brief history of the tool:

In 2000, it was first released as a plugin for Eclipse IDE. In 2009, it was released as an independent tool with full support for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. In 2013, it switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA as its codebase due to superior support for Java programming language. In 2015, jGRASP ide introduced the 3D technology which enables developers to see their code in 3D space with better understanding of how one’s code impacts other parts of the project they’re currently working on.

jGRASP Features:

  1. Free
  2. Product of Oracle
  3. Added Features to Develop Oracle Product easily
  4. End To End IDE to develop the software

The Good:

– This is oracle product

– End to End IDE to develop the software

– Drag and Drop Functions

– Web as well as Mobile App Development IDE

The Bad:

Small learning Curve is there.

What is the latest version of jGRASP?

The latest version of jGRASP is 2.0.6_09.

How to get a jGRASP?

You can get the jGRASP IDE from here.

How to install jGRASP?

You can refer to this page to install jGRASP IDE.

jGRASP Pricing:  It is Free.

7. DrJava


Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and Solaris

Current Version: drjava-beta-2019-220051

The DrJava IDE is a Java IDE for beginners. It includes a powerful debugger and editor, and can be used to learn the Java programming language.

This section provides information about the DrJava IDE, which is a Java IDE for beginners. The DrJava IDE includes a powerful debugger and editor, and can be used to learn the Java programming language.

DrJava is a free, open-source IDE for teaching programming to beginners.

DrJava has been designed to be the first environment that students encounter in the course of learning how to program. It provides a simple interface and limited set of features, which make it easy for beginners to start programming and build up their skills.

DrJava includes many features that make it easier for instructors to teach programming. For example, it can be used as an evaluation tool for quizzes and exams; instructors can easily provide feedback on student programs; and it can provide hints about how to solve problems in Java.

drjava ide is a cross-platform, open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for the Java programming language.

It features code completion, syntax highlighting, intelligent code navigation, on-the-fly error checking, and the ability to run programs in a built-in Java virtual machine. It also provides many other features that can be accessed through the menu bar or via keyboard shortcuts.

DrJava Features:

* Built-in editor

* Built-in compiler

* Supports plug-ins for interfacing with other programs (e.g., Arduino)

* Designed

The Good:

One of the most powerful features of DrJava is its ability to allow users to create their own plug-ins. This allows users to access libraries that are not included with the base package and it also allows them to create their own libraries without having to leave the environment.

It has a simpler user interface than other Java IDEs.

It has built-in support for the JDK and JRE.

It provides an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to help beginners learn the basics of Java programming

It provides a console that helps beginners debug their code.

It can be run in two modes, command line and GUI mode.

DrJava also provides a graphic user interface (GUI) to make it easier for beginners to learn Java programming by providing them with a more visual representation of what they are coding.

The Bad:

  1. DrJava is not supported on some platforms like Windows XP, Android, iOS etc. This leads to the problem of not being able to access it on different devices and platforms which makes it more difficult for programmers who want to use it as their primary IDE.
  2. Java has been criticized for its verbose syntax which makes the code lengthy and difficult to read.
  3. There are many bugs in DrJava which can cause errors in programs and increase the time taken for it.

You can get the DrJava IDE from here.

How to install DrJava?

You can refer to this page to install DrJava IDE.

DrJava Pricing:  It is Free.

8. MyEclipse


Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS 

Current Version: 2021.5.24a

MyEclipse ide is a Java IDE that was created by the company called Genuitec. It is a popular tool for developing Java applications.

MyEclipse ide has many features that are useful for developers to use and learn. Some of these features include:

-A built-in debugger that allows developers to fix errors in their code quickly and easily.

-A code editor with syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and an intelligent content assist system

-An integrated Git client that makes it easy to work with remote repositories and branches

-A powerful refactoring engine that can be used to make changes across your entire project

MyEclipse is a powerful IDE for developing Java applications. It is available as a free open-source product, and also as commercial products.

MyEclipse ide is a software that allows developers to create, edit, and debug Java applications on Windows, Linux and Mac.

MyEclipse ide can be used for a range of purposes. It is mostly used by developers who want to create Java applications. It can also be used to edit and debug Java applications created in other IDEs.

MyEclipse Features:

MyEclipse is a Java integrated development environment for software developers. This IDE includes tools for designing, debugging, and managing the development process.

MyEclipse integrates with other IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. It also has a built-in debugger which can be used to debug Java code and scripts.

The MyEclipse Feature is an extension to the IDE that lets developers create their own plug-in using its own API.

The Good:

  • Live Preview is available.
  • Database visualisation is supported.

The Bad:

  • It is paid.
  • Not easy to learn for beginners.

How to install MyEclipse?

You can refer to this page to install MyEclipse IDE.

MyEclipse Pricing:  It is Paid.

9. GreenFoot


Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and Solaris

Current Version: 3.7.0

Greenfoot is a programming IDE that is designed to be easy to use for beginners. It has an intuitive graphical interface, drag-and-drop blocks, and tutorials.

The Greenfoot ide has many features that make it easy for beginners to learn how to code. One of the most important features is its intuitive graphical interface which lets users drag and drop blocks from a library onto the program window. The blocks are then connected together by lines in order to create a program. This makes it easier for beginners because they don’t have to know all the commands before they start coding, they just need to know what blocks do what and how they can connect them together in order for them to work properly.

Greenfoot Features:

Greenfoot comes with a variety of built-in shapes, including rectangles, circles, triangles, and polygons. – Greenfoot has a built-in paint editor that allows you to draw on the screen. – Greenfoot has an animation editor that lets you create animations with frames and edit them as needed. – The built-in text editor lets you edit any text in your game or simulation. You can also import text from external files or paste it from the clipboard.

The Good:

  • Beginners friendly
  • Interactive

The Bad:

  • No advance features available.

How to install Greenfoot?

You can refer to this page to install Greenfoot IDE.

Greenfoot Pricing:  It is Free.

10. Android Studio

Android Studio

Platforms : Windows, Linux, macOS and Chrome OS

Current Version: 

Android Studio is a powerful and versatile IDE for Android development. It provides a complete set of tools to develop an Android application from start to finish, including the latest Android SDKs, Android Emulator, Google Play Services and more.

Android Studio has been designed for use with Java or Kotlin programming languages. It can be downloaded and installed on Windows, Linux or Mac operating systems.

Android Studio is a development environment for Android applications. It includes an editor based on the IntelliJ platform and tools for building, running, and debugging Android applications.

Android Studio was first announced by Google at the Google I/O conference in 2012. The first stable release was made available in 2013, with updates released every six months.

Android Studio is a powerful integrated development environment for Android app development. It can be used to develop apps for Android-based devices, including phones and tablets. It includes a code editor, an emulator to run the program on a virtual device, and tools to create graphics and user interfaces.

The IDE provides an environment in which you can edit your code in one window while having another window open with the activity that you are designing or running. You can also design layouts in one window while editing the code that will populate them in another window.

Android Studio Features:

– Code Editor: The code editor in Android Studio offers many features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and more. It also has built-in support for version control systems such as Git.

– Debugger: The debugger in Android Studio lets you debug your app on connected devices or emulators with just a few clicks.

– Templates: With Android Studio’s templates you can quickly create new projects 

The Good:

  • Easy to use
  • Integrates with Gradle, Renderscript, and CMake
  • Powerful layout editor
  • Built in support for Google Play Services

The Bad:

  • It is not open-source
  • Difficult to use for beginners

How to install Android Studio?

You can refer to this page to install Android Studio IDE.

Android Studio Pricing:  It is Free.

11. XCode


Platforms : Windows, macOS

Current Version: Xcode 13

Xcode is a software development environment that is used for developing applications for Mac, iOS and other platforms.

Xcode has a number of features that make it a great IDE (integrated development environment). It features “a powerful editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, an interactive debugger, and an interface builder to create user interfaces in a drag-and-drop environment.”

It also has the ability to compile projects into executable software without the need for third-party tools. This eliminates the need to use Terminal or another tool in order to compile applications.

Xcode Features:

Xcode is a powerful IDE that allows developers to create software for OS X and iOS.

It is one of the most popular IDEs in the world, and was first released in 2003.

Xcode features a clean interface, which makes it easier for developers to find what they need quickly.

The Good:

  • Xcode offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of coding.
  • Xcode provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for developers to write code in an efficient manner.
  • Xcode has been designed for both novice and experienced programmers alike.

The Bad:

1) Xcode is a very complex software with a steep learning curve. This makes it difficult to use for beginners, who may not have any programming experience and are unfamiliar with the coding language.

2) Xcode does not have an easy-to-use interface which means that it can be frustrating and challenging to work with – especially for non-techies who are used to more user-friendly programs like Photoshop or Word.

3) The code generated by Xcode can be difficult to read, understand, or modify because of its formatting and complexity.

How to install Xcode?

You can refer to this page to install XCode IDE.

Xcode Pricing:  It is Free.

Java IDE Interview Questions

Java Ide Interview Questions:

1. what is ide in java?
2. What is best ide for java?
3. What is the best java ide for beginners