Java tutorial

Java Basics Part I
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn what is Java, Java History, and the different Java features.
- What is Java?
- How Java Works?
- Java Features
- Java IDEs
- Java Download
- Java Installation
- What can Java Technology Do?
- How will Java Technology Change your life?
- Java First Example
- Close Look at Java's First Application
- JVM Architecture
- Difference Between JDK, JRE and JVM
Java Basics Part II
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn what is Java Variables, Java Data Types, Java Operators etc.
- Java Variables
- Java Data Types
- Java Primitive Data Types
- Java Comments
- Java main() method
- Java Command Line Arguments
- Java Arrays
- Java Operator
- Java Assignment, Arithmetic and Unary Operator
- Bitwise and Bit Shift Operator
Java Basics Part II
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn what is Java Wrapper Classes, Garbage Collection etc.
- Java Wrapper Classes – Autoboxing and Unboxing
- Java System Properties
- Java hashCode() and equals()
- Expressions, Statements and Blocks
- Garbage Collection
Java Keywords
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn what is Java Keywords.
- Java keywords
- Java abstract keyword
- Java assert keyword
- Java boolean keyword
- Difference between final, finally and finalize in Java
- Difference between this and super in Java
- Java Static
- Java strictfp keyword
- Java synchronized keyword
- Java transient keyword
Java OOPS Part I
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Flow Controls.
- What is OOPS?
- Advantages of OOPS
- Java Object
- Java Classes
- Java Nested Classes
- Java Static Nested Classes
- Java Inner Classes
- Java Local Classes
- Anonymous Classes
- Lambda Expressions
- Java Access Modifiers
- Enum Types
Java OOPS Part II
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Object Oriented Programming Fundaments.
- Inheritance ( IS-A)
- Aggregation ( HAS-A)
- Multiple Inheritance
- Method
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Abstract Class
- Interface
- Java – Overloading vs Overriding
- Java Interface vs. Abstract Class
- Java extends vs implements keywords
Java OOPS Part III
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Object Oriented Programming Fundaments.
- Encapsulation
- Packages
- Constructor
- static keyword
- this keyword
- super keyword
- Association, Aggregation and Composition
- Java instanceof operator
Java Flow control
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Object Oriented Programming Fundaments.
- Java Flow Control Statements
- Java if-else Statement
- Java Switch Statement
- Java for Loop
- Java for-each Loop
- Java while Loop
- Java do-while Loop
- Java break keyword
- Java Continue keyword
- Java Labeled Statements
Java String
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn about Java String.
- What is Java String Class
- Java String Immutable
- Java String Comparision
- Java String Concatination
- Java String Builder
- Java String Buffer
- String Methods
- String vs Stringbuffer
- Stringbuilder vs StringBuffer
- Java StringTokenizer Class
Java Regex
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Regex.
- What is Java Regex
- String Literals
- Character Classes
- Predefined Character Classes
- Quantifiers
- Capturing Groups
- Boundary Matchers
- Methods of the Pattern Class
- Methods of the Matcher Class
- Methods of the PatternSyntaxException Class
Java Exception
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Exception.
- What is Exception Handling
- Errors Vs Exceptions
- Exceptions Hierarchy
- Checked and UnChecked Exceptions
- Basic Exception Block Structure
- Types of Java Exceptions
- Built in Exceptions
- Exception Handling Methods
- throw vs throws
- final vs finally vs finalize
- User Defined Exception
Java Collection
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Collection.
- Introduction to Collections
- Collections Interfaces
- The Collection Interface
- The Set Interface
- The List Interface
- The Queue Interface
- The Deque Interface
- The Map Interface
- The SortedSet Interface
- The SortedMap Interface
- Aggregate Operations
- Aggregate Operations Reduction
- Aggregate Operations Parallelism
- Implementations
- Set Implementations
- List Implementations
- Map Implementations
- Queue Implementations
- Deque Implementations
- Wrapper Implementations
Java Concurrency
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Concurrency.
- Processes and Threads
- Thread Objects
- Synchronization
- Liveness
- Guarded Blocks
- Immutable Objects
- Lock Objects
- Executors
- Concurrent Collections
- Atomic Variables
Java Generics
What you will learn
In this section, you will learn different Java Generics.
- What is Java Generics
- Why Use Generics?
- Generic Types
- Generic Methods
- Bounded Type Parameters
- Generics, Inheritance, and Subtypes
- Type Inference
- Type Erasure
- Restrictions on Generics